What I Offer

Flexible and accessible trauma treatment

I seek to make trauma treatment flexible and accessible. I offer one to one sessions, workshops and supervision both in person and online. I provide a free 20 minute introductory consultation. 

1-1 In-Person

For one to one sessions, we may agree either a time limited contract or ongoing sessions. Shorter term periods of work will tend to be Somatic Experiencing (SE) focused while ongoing longer term sessions tend to bring in other therapeutic elements alongside SE (see Relational Trauma Therapy page).

1-1 Online

Offering accessibility for those who cannot attend sessions in person. Providing the same possibilities of both time limited and longer term trauma therapy.


Training in DBT based Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance and Emotion Regulation skills. Also Somatic skills for stress and trauma resilience and recovery. For individuals and groups.

Supervision and Training

For counsellors and therapists needing support and guidance in working with complex client presentations. Including understanding the features of BPD / EUPD and working with the kinds of issues that clients with this diagnosis may present.